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Actress Sophia Bush  "When we're talking about the ’60s, when my best friend couldn't drink out of the same water fountain as I can because his skin is a different color than me. ... Now, you're talking about a different best friend of mine who can't get married even though I could get married seven times in my life and he can't do that because he is a different sexual orientation than me? That's absolutely a civil-rights issue."   — Sophia Bush

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U.N. — Tackle climate change: Tell the U.N. that Typhoon Haiyan is just the start if we don’t act now. Sign the petition, and support rescue efforts. [13 Nov 2013]

Tell Russia: Confirm whereabouts of “disappeared” punk-rock protester: Nadya Tolokonnikova of punk-protest band Pussy Riot has not been seen or heard from in almost a month. Russia’s government says the Amnesty International Prisoner of Conscience is being transported to a Siberian gulag, but there is no independent confirmation, and her health is fragile following a hunger strike. Demand the Russian government confirm her whereabouts and safety. [10 Nov 2013]

McDonald’s — Pay a Decent Wage: When a worker asked McDonald’s president Jeff Stratton why she had to earn just $8.25 an hour after working for the company for 10 years, she was arrested. McDonald’s can afford to pay workers a livable $15/hour and still make plenty of profit. Tell the company it should do so. [9 Nov 2013]

Protect LGBTQ Workers: Urge President Obama to protect the workplace rights of LGBTQ people by signing an executive order already drafted by White House staff and endorsed by 110 members of Congress. The order would ban discrimination by federal contractors, covering 25% of the U.S. workforce. Act Now. [8 Apr 2013]

Demand Universal Background Checks: Join Gabby Giffords and Mark Kelly in demanding that all gun buyers must go through background checks first, the minimum gun-control policy Congress is considering, and which is facing a filibuster. [7 Apr 2013]

Social Security: Oppose the new plan to cut benefits; a fair and more effective solution is lifting the payroll tax cap that prevents highly paid workers from paying their fair share. [7 Apr 2013]

Fiscal Cliff”: Defend progressive policies! Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich breaks down the fiscal choice in a 3-minute video. View, then tell Congress to stand against tax breaks for the rich and cutbacks for the rest! [13 Dec 2012]

Justice in Florida: Urge prosecution of neighborhood vigilante who killed unarmed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. [21 Mar 2012]

Don't Approve the Keystone Pipeline: Urge your Senator to oppose the dangerous cross-continental tar sands pipeline. [15 Feb 2012]

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